Friday 29 February 2008

Fourth Post

Fiona, this is for you.
Since you want me to blog, right?

This is going to be a random post, k?

My backside hurts because I've been sitting on the floor and staring into my laptop screen for the past 4 hours.

The lights at the lift area in my block only switches on in the afternoon.
And at night it switches off. So its super dark at night.
Makes so much sense, right?

I tell you, I am fed up of having the people in my batch at IMU come up to me and go like
"OMG Ive seen you around in Taylors!!"
Damn hyper summore.
And I would probably never have seen the person in my life before.
Crazy weii.
Macam lah I major celebrity. Swtness.

Cos malu la everyone elses fingernails soooo short, and mine are like some evil witches' fingernails.
Sharp sharp summore rite? So now i cut them all short.

The Carrefour here is scary.
The entrance from the carpark into the complex is covered with plastic strips, like in butcher shops.
If you didnt get that, nvm. Im too sleepy to think of a proper descrip.

I think I will get addicted to malay dramas pretty soon. :)

And I eat like a pig nowadays.
So much for my plan of dieting when i get to uni lah, seriously.
I cant stop eating now. Bluek.

AND OMG try eating plain rice with kicap and egg.
Its like you take plain white rice, and you take the kicap bottle and douse your rice with kicap slightly, and then you fry egg and eat with it.
Start eating edi cannot stop.

And its funner to watch American Idol with people than it is to watch it alone.
I love Simon :)
And David Archuleta :):):)

Okay, now my hand oso pain, type so much.

Pinkie says hi evvybody.
