Saturday 16 February 2008

Chain Letters

"If you love your MOM & you thank her deeply, repost this saying "read this and you will cry" if you dont... then you obviously dont care if your mum dies"

WHY do these idiots come up with this shit, and then mail it to the whole world??!!

Ive ignored at least 234756 of these letters and mails, and
1. I'm not dead
2. Neither is my mum or dad
3. None of us have ever been haunted by people in shower drains or neck-cutting-vengeful spirits.
4. I have yet to be befallen by ten thousand years of bad luck...

I mean, get real, people, NOTHING is going to happen whether you forward these mails or not!
People can't curse you thru e-mail!!

The example above is the one that really really really irritated me.
Honestly, I can think of about a million better ways to prove that I love my mum besides forwarding STUPID mails that she isn't going to read anyway.
These people should seriously try getting a life. And even if they don't want to, they should spare the rest of us!
What DO they get out of it anyway?? Unless they've rigged up some way of getting money everytime someone forwards the mail.
So next time, anyone wants to forward chain letters, leave me out of your list, please.

