Saturday 23 February 2008

The Crazy Indian Cashier

I'm super hyper today!!

Today started out really really good. Keke. :p
I went to Carrefour.
Bought torchlight, batteries, alarm clock (ugh!), toiletries,etc etc...
And this awesomely furry, squishy, comfy blanky (or blanket), and a pillow, and a bolster cos i need smthng to lean against when i sleep. XD
Yes I know I is weird.
OH, AND i bought this really nice pair of pants.
(the pants is important)

So we went to pay la kan..
And we ended up at this counter with these two indian guy cashiers.
And one of them was really cute. XD
So yeah, the cute cashier was also apparently damn hyper today, cos he was very intent on getting all the stuff scanned as fast as possible. (he was doing the scanning),

Like ultra-speed k. He nearly twisted himself.
I swear, it was impossible to stand there and not laugh!

And then the thing was my nice pants didn't have a barcode on it, so he put it aside, and when no one was looking, he told the other cashier to put it in the plastic.
Cute Cashier : There put this also inside
Not-so-cute Cashier : Dey, u havent scan yet
Cute Cashier : (under his breath) Put only laaa...
Thank god they were talking in tamil, and the other customers were non-indian.
20+ rgt punyer pants summore.

I shall do all my future shopping in Carrefour. XD
