Friday 8 February 2008

Why Guys Who Can Fly Are Sexy

(i am hereby about to spam my own blog because i am bored.)

One fine day, Suh Ming and I were having a relatively productive conversation on msn. Pretty soon the conversation turned around to guys. Since, according to popular belief, i can only talk about guys. -.-

[oh scratch it lah, im not good at being story-tale-ish. i shall go back to my incoherent-impulsive-writing-personality.
*switches modes*]

Yeah, so anyway, we were discussing celebs, esp the guys on Heroes (btw, it was this conversation that inspired my Heroes-Guys post below), and we decided that we want boyfriends who can fly.
NO, we have not gone mad. and no, we're not being lame.
I mean, think about it.
Lets consider all the guys who can fly, k? (uh...the ones who fly around with girls)
-West Rosen
Isnt it awfully romantic when they fly the girls up into the sky?? They're literally walking on cloud nine wei! And dancing among the stars!
Its poetic on top of being romantic. Sighhhhh. What more can you ask for??

Hence, guys who can fly are sexy.
Because guys who can fly are automatically labelled romantic.
Romantic = sexy. Do the remaining math.

Therefore, new criteria for prospective boyfriends (cheh wah) :

Or at least must be tall enough for me to feel like I'm flying when he carries me.
Ehh. No. Bad idea.
If he was that tall then when we want to take pictures, I'd have to stand on a ladder.
...And, yes, his hands might break if he had to carry me. ><

I seem to have lost the point of writing this post. *snickers*
