Friday 5 March 2010


1. How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn't bounce off anything? There is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it back to you.

2. What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years?

3. What is it that you can keep after giving it to someone else?

4. There were five men going to church and it started to rain. The four that ran got wet and the one that stood still stayed dry.
5. There are two bodies on the floor. They are surrounded by water and broken glass. How did they die?

6. What is the largest possible number you can write using only 2 numbers - just 2 numbers, no other mathematical symbols?

7. How can a woman living in New Jersey, legally marry 10 men, without ever getting a divorce, be widowed, or becoming legally separated?

8. Two people who have never seen each other meet at the New York Embassy. They decide to have drinks together in a nearby bar. One of them is the father of the other one's son. How is this possible?

9. Two men were playing tennis. They played five sets and each man won three sets. How can this be possible?

10. There's a body lying dead on a bed, and on the floor beside it is a pair of scissors. The scissors were instrumental in his death, yet there's no trace of blood. The body reveals no signs of any cuts or bruises. How could the person have been murdered with the pair of scissors?

Feel free to give your answers in the chatbox. :)
Will reveal the answers when I feel like it.

- J Me -

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