Thursday 5 August 2010

Poor English


I'm sorry I blog so much.
did warn you.


I mean a few slip-ups in grammar and all is fine.
We're none of us perfect, and not all of us consider English our first language.

And we're not native speakers.
So yes, messing up grammar occasionally is acceptable.
Vocab is not an issue. This isn't the IELTS exam.

Even mixing up your/you're, their/they're can be overlooked.
Its annoying-ish, but I get it, sometimes you're too excited to say something and you mix it up.

But when you cant even string a decent sentence together to get your point across..

Been editing stuff for Jea Mie (she's editing it for someone else of course), and I'm about ready to pull my hair out trying to figure out WHAT on earth this person is going on about.
Giving me a headache okay.

I'm sorry.
I know I write stupid stuff like I has and I is and I wants all the time,
but I do that with the arrogance that no one will or can assume I have poor English.
Simply because I don't.

But really, if you want to write/speak in English,
make sure people can at least understand what you're trying to say.
...otherwise, seriously, just don't bother.


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