Tuesday 3 August 2010

Throwing out cassettes

I want to write abt random things that have been happening in my life lately.
(well sort of)
Havent done that in a while. :D

Random spaz moment yesterday.
He-whose-name-has-been-cancelled-out is someone I would like very much to get over forget.
No I wasn't talking to myself, I just edited out the other person's part. :/
(because people are going to stop talking to me on msn if their names keep appearing here LOL)

It ends there because I freaked out and grabbed my laptop and ran to my room just in case the dad wanted to talk to me o.O.

It would be alot easier to forget you ever existed in my life,
IF your dad would stop updating my dad (who in turn updates me ihavenoideawhywtf) on your life.
You know, especially since you're too busy to update me on your life yourself.
Just saying.

My mother wants me to throw out all my cassettes.
She's already thrown out a few, couple of months back, when I was still in vista.

And she refuses to listen to my theory of how,
if I hang on to these cassettes for say another 20 years, then I can sell them as antiques/collectibles and make lotssssss of money.
So not business-minded.

My remaining cassettes. :(((

So sedih ok.
All my memories. :(
I'm thinking of taking out the covers and keeping them. (you think
those would sell for alot of money in 30 years?)

Close up. So you can see the names.
(yes we all know I just want to post another picture. Shut up. :p)

(Yes I like Backstreet Boys. So what.)

While I'm at it,
New shades!

They're actually really pretty.
I just have shit photo-taking skills. ...even with a 12.1 mp camera. :/

And guess what the shades casing looks like??

Yes, I know. WTF.

I wanted the Prada shades, but we were on a budget, because my brother was paying.
Its amazing how much money you can extract from people who are about to get married.

La la.
Another random conversation :

I can now relate absolutely
everything to German football players.
(and so can everyone else who talks to me on a regular basis :DDDD)


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