Monday 2 June 2008


This is an update.
Since I deprived you people of my nonsense for soooo long.
(Honestly. It was only three days. -__-)

Anyway, I'm still really really really tired.
My niece's engagement was on Saturday night. In my house. I think that should be self-explainatory.
I shall put up pictures when I get them. :)
I didn't manage to sleep at all on Friday night. Too tired to sleep. And then on Saturday I was too tired to eat, so I didnt.
Skipped lunch, and ate jelly beans for dinner. :p
Now I'm all tired and sleepified in the aftermath.

And I cannot concentrate on the male reproductive system.
I swear to God, its the most BORING thing on the planet. I know that sounds wrong, but its true.
You'd think the reproductive system would be all excitifying, but oh God, no. Its overly complicated, and they have names for every single teeny weeny unimportant part.
Like Sertoli cells.
What kind of stupid name is that?
WHY God had to make us humans so complicated I will never understand.
He must've been really really bored at the Beginning of Life or the Beginning of the World or the Beginning of the Universe or whatever.

I shall copycat Samantha for this bit :
(She did it first, and I was curious)
Pronunciation Key - [vid-yah]
–noun Hinduism, Buddhism.

transcendental knowledge leading toward Brahman.

Transcendental means spiritual/mystic/out-of-this-world. Now I feel so pressurized.

I'm hyper.
But tired.
Hyper + tired = not condusive for studying.

I think I shall study everything except the reproductive system.
I officially have only three weeks left.
And I havent started. God.
I cannot be bothered.
Am I not the most specimenfied specimen on the planet?

