Oh. My. God.
Yesterday had to be, undoubtedly, the MOST boring day of my life.
Went to an eye specialist in the morning.
'Cos my parents don't trust those opticians in shopping malls to diagnose and prescribe eye power? correctly.
You'd think there was only one eye specialist in this country, the way we HAVE to go all the way to Johor and then wake up at 7 in the morning to drive another 1000 miles to see this doctor.
Ok deep breath. I shall not complain. No pettiness.
Yeah, so anyway, I went to the eye specialist la.
Who, btw, is a REALLY nice lady. :)
(anybody in Johor reading this...look for a Dr Vijayalakshmi in JB. Private clinic)
Right so, she wanted to check my retinas, so she dilated my pupils (with some weird eye drops). Used the fundoscope and all lah, after that.

My point is, after pupil dilation, I could sort-of still focus on distant objects, but I couldn't focus on anything near AT ALL.
If I held one finger in front of my face, I'd see three of it.
So yea, for the most part of the day I wasn't allowed to use my laptop/read/watch tv.
Snuck in an hour of online-time at 10pm, then sat in front of the tv after everyone else went to sleep.
Today my eyes are fineeeeeeee. :D
I had something else to say. But I've quite forgotten what it was.
I have no idea what the point of this post was.
Moral of the story : When a doctor asks you if its okay to dilate your pupils to check your retinas, DO NOT SAY YES. One whole day gone man.
Why is it us students have to use the stupid Fundoscope without dilating anything and these so-called pro people get short cuts?! (yes I know its a bigger surface area, but WE have to cover the same area without the dilation anyway, rite?!)
SAY NO TO PUPIL DILATION. or dilatation. or however you spell it.

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