Wednesday 9 April 2008

MY Lecture Notes:

Today I decided to take down notes during the last half-hour of Joachim Perrera's two-hour-lecture because I was falling asleep in the lecture hall.
My note-taking involves writing down random pieces of information that reaches my brain.
So let me share today's lecture notes with you.
(copied verbatim from my test-pad...even the smileys!)

-Elongated tubes of bone matrix
-surrounding a canal which contains blood vessels, nerves & lymphatics and has some weird name that even Jo Perrera mixed up, and led his thread of thought to onions. :)
-Hie Sarwees!
-Destroyed cartilage
-surrounding osteo cells will become osteoid
-skull cap! :)
-I IS sleepified
-I don't like Jo Perrera
-Constant :) yay I smart
-why la he dowan change slide?!
-Yay. Dynamic Process. yay. yawn.
-When we get old we DIE
-the cartilage died
-It will be destroyed because it doesn't like Jo Perrera either
-small children have weird plates in them
-Jo Perrera's linear growth has stopped
-Trunks of huge trees indicate imbalances in osteosomething activities
-He is flapping his hands. oo. chicken!
-Bones are boring
-when you fall from accidents, your bones will fracture...I love his english.
-Yay he is going to shut up
-And he doesn't like orthopaedic surgeons
-and WHY is he promoting ayurvedic medicine? Takde kerja.

I think I was drunk this morning.
