Friday 21 March 2008

The Atkins Diet Assignment

I am annoyed.
We have to do this summary thing for our Assigned Independent Reading (AIR) - on Atkins Diet.
I'm okay with reading about the Atkins Diet, okay with writing a summary about it.

The problem is this :
They want us to write about what the Atkins Diet is,
two instances where it has been proven to work,
quote a few scientific papers which have expert opinions on it,
talk about the disadvantages of the diet,
and then come up with our own conclusion as to whether we support the whole Atkins Diet idea or not.
Actually it doesnt sound that bad, does it?

But get this.
We have to summarise ALL THAT into 300 words.

I dieded.

And I'm blogging alot these past few days, cos I know when I get back to vista, my wifi (which doesnt like me) will not allow me to sign into Blogger, and hence I will not be able to blog.
And then you all can slowly sit and read what I've written these past few days lah.
See, I'm so considerate.

Stupid Atkins Diet.
And did anyone know that Dr Robert Atkins died edi? In 2003.
I had no idea. I tot the poor man was still alive. eek.
And still they wanna debate over his diet. Cannot let him RIP. eeeeeeeeesh.
