Friday 14 March 2008

Burned Out.

I nearly got knocked down three times today.
Its like I have some magnet that attracts lorries and vans. wtf.

I just realised that Im a pretty lousy blogger.
I keep hearing of other students in IMU being threatened because of what they write on their blogs regarding orientation. :o
Anybody see anything much here about my orientation?
See? I is a lousy blogger. XD

Oh, but of course, this is probably due to the fact that I hardly ever attend orientation. Keke.
I am being extremely low profile.
For no specific reason.

Im just beyond tired.
My Internet is acting up, so I can hardly do any research.
And I have three assignments!
One to be done by next Tuesday, one due in a month's time, and yet another due in May.
The May one is classic.
Its a case-like thing : My friend is trying to impress this girl, so he asks her out on a date. And she wants to go the Aquarium. Unfortunately, my friend has a phobia of fish, but he doesnt want to let the girl know (cos he wan save face mah).
Number 1 : At an Aquarium, you cannot smell the fish, so theres hardly a possibility that he will get sick cos of the smell.
Number 2 : The fish are behind glass! There is nothing that the fishes can do to him.
Number 3 : Even if the glass breaks, the fish will die (duh). So yeah, he wont be harmed at all.
Number 4 : If he doesnt tell the girl that he has a phobia of fish, later on their relationship will fall apart, cos its a relationships based on lies, rite? She can always turn around and say he was never truthful to her.
Stupid case. I is annoyedsified.
