Friday 7 March 2008


Got cicak in the house!!
Three of them to be specific!

We spent at least ten minutes screaming aimlessly before deciding to spray the cicaks out with Ridsect.
Then we spent another 5 minutes debating on whether we should kill the cicaks or not.
And then we decided the Ridsect would only mabuk-fy the cicak, rite?
So then we sprayed under the microawave (where cicak number 1 was hiding), and then it ran out (duh)...then we spent another 15 minutes running around and screaming and climbing on the couch and locking ourselves in our rooms.

The cicak fat fat summore!
Apparently cicaks nowadays suffer from obesity too.

But thanks to the Ridsect, Im as mabuk as the cicaks.
And it doesnt help that I have a First Aid test to study for tomorrow.
Ive read this thing at least three times, and Im nowhere close to understanding it, much less remembering wat Im reading.

