Friday 7 March 2008

Tag No. 2

Exams over.
Screwed exams.
Nuff Said.
Wanted to do Harry Potter for tag number 2 but changed my mind.
I shall save him for a later tag.

Tag Number 2 : Britney Spears

1. What was your dream during your childhood?
-To have custody over my future children if ever I get into a divorce with my future singer husband. (Failed)
-To have hair. Hmmm...that doesn't sound right. Let me rephrase that. To not shave my head bald. Yup, much better. (Failed)
-To achieve both my childhood dreams. (Failed. Obviously.)

2. Do you like rainy days or sunny days? Why?
-Rainy days. Cause then I can hide in my house. Away from the paparazzi. Of course, I do that during sunny days too but that's not the point.
-Rainy days. Because sunny days make my head look shiny. What with the sunrays reflecting off my head and all.
-Rainy Days. I made a deal with the farmers. I sing "Gimme More" and if more rain comes, I get commission. Cool,eh? GIMME GIMME MORE GIMME MORE GIMME GIMME MORE!

3. Which colour do you like better? Black or White?
-Hair. Oops, I did it again. Sorry. Dumb blonde moment. Not that you can tell...I bet the banana down at the pasar malam is blonder than me.

4. Who would you marry?
-Who would marry me? Sorry. I meant who would marry me again?

5. Where do you want to go most?
-Yun Nam Hair Care.

6. Which part of yourself do you love the most?
-Definitely not my head.

7. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do?
-Shave my head. DUH. Or go for therapy before failing and shaving my head.

8. What are you afraid of losing the most?
-Are you mocking me? How dare you! GIMME LESS stupid tags please.

9. If you met someone you love, would you confess to him/her? Or just keep it secret, observing?
-I am incapable of human love after that incident with the shears. -shivers-

10. List out 3 good points of the one who tagged you.
-She has hair.
-She has hair.
-She has...... -cries-

11. What are the requirements that you wish for your other half?
-MUST have hair.
-Must have enough money for my hair treatment fee at Yun Nam Hair Care.
-Must not go by the name of Kevin.

12. Up to now, what is the moment you regret most?
-Losing to my sister Jamie. Should've gotten pregnant when I was 15.

13. Which type of person do you hate most?
-People with hair. Including the person reading this tag right now. YEAH YOU! HAIRY PERSON!

14. What is your ambition?
-To be co-owner of Yun Nam Hair Care.
-To be a good mother. (Ahem, judges, are you reading this?)

15. Would you rather be someone else at this very moment?
-Yeah. Someone with hair.

16. If you can have 2 dreams to come true, what would it be?
-Why do you even bother asking? This stupid tag is wasting my precious time. I could be getting my 138th hair treatment at Yun Nam Hair Care right now. 12 more and I get a 30% discount!

17. What do you think is most important in your life?
-My precious babies. (Those judges ARE reading this, aren't they?

18. Who’s your favourite cartoon character?
-Cousin It from The Addam's Family. The one with lots and lots of hair. Oooh...How I envy those gorgeous dreadlocks.

19. What will you do if the world ends tomorrow?
-Go for manis, padis, shopping and get a wig!!!! Did you see that brunette one at Walmart? It was so.... pretty..!!! 99% off too! Too bad I was rushing to my appointment at Yun Name Hair Care the other day. Sigh.

20. The most worthwhile decision you’ve ever made in your life so far?
-Going for Yun Nam Hair Care! Seriously, it works! Look, my hair is growing back already! And they give discounts to regular customers! Plus the pisang goreng and keropok lekor there are really good. You should try it out sometime.

Author's Note : To the manager of Yun Nam Hair Care, I'm open for any job vacancies available. :D Also accept commission for unlimited advertising. Call me at 012-3456789 ok?

--- JM ---