Tuesday 6 May 2008

Confused and Annoyed.

I had a very weird dream today.
You know those kind of dreams that just feel so real?
And when you wake up you go "Was that ALL a dream??"
I had one of those jz now, and I'm still super confused.
Cos it had alot of people from IMU in it. And alot of my family members.
And now I'm confused-ish about who I'm related to and who I'm not.
No, don't laugh at me, it really is a predicament.
Later I go lecture tomorrow and wonder why some fella not saying hi to me, and it turns out that I tak kenal the fella in real life.
Damn bloody malufying if that happens k. I not saying hi to anybody tmr. Jz in case. O_O

And okay,
maybe I'm being supremely perasan la okay, but me thinks the Potty situation is getting out of hand.
I shall not list out the details,
a) cos I malas wanna type
b) cos if any of the idiots I'm currently annoyed with reads this....gone case
Suffice to say that I now feel I'm being advertised to the whole world.
To people I don't know, and who sure as hell don't know me.
I phobia of people staring at me.
I phobia of people judging me.
I hate Potty x infinity.

I'm feel damn bitchy today.
I feel like yelling at anyone and everyone.
I feel like being mean to people for the sake of it.
I feel like not layaning people on msn.
I feel like screaming.
I feel like puking.
Note : Keyword -feel. I'm not going to really do any of that stuff.
I feel headachy.
I think if I look at kidneys today, I will definitely throw up.
I think if I look at Potty tomorrow, I will definitely throw up.
I think I am falling sick.

My super confusing horoscope for today :

The Bottom Line
Talk about new things you want to add to a relationship. Start the conversation.

In Detail
Do not be afraid to ask for things to change in one of your relationships -- you are well within your rights to want to make things more like how you want them to be. Today, you should talk about new things you'd like to see added to your relationship and which old things you'd like to do away with, once and for all. The only rules in this thing between the two of you are the ones you two agree on. And none of them will change until you start that conversation.

I wish I knew WHO I should be starting the aforesaid conversation with.
I feel so off-mood today.
