Wednesday 21 May 2008

Dreadfully Unconfident

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)[?]
The Bottom Line
Your confidence is busting out all over today, and you know what you have to do.

In Detail
Your confidence is bursting out all over today, and you know what you have to do in order to get what you want. Your clarity is better than ever, and your energy is high -- people are going to be falling all over themselves to get out of your way! Throw all your patience right out the window, because you won't need it. Waiting is not something you'll have to do today -- your fast action will create a strong forward momentum that will carry you into the direction you want to go.

I spent most of today sleeping.

But still, the day isn't quite over though is it?
Mana tau kan?

And I think I eat too much nowadays.
I seriously eat about double the amount I used to eat back at Taylor's.
And I think its because there is absolutely nothing to do here.
Too much free time.

Free time + extreme boredom = feeling hungry.
Add readily available expenses.
Subtract availability of good food.
End Result : Snacking on junk food.
Long term Outcome : Putting on weight.

To be fair, I havent weighed myself since Ms Loke asked to do it when we checked our BMI last year.
I cant remember how heavy I was then either. I only know my BMI was 20.smthng. Which is normal! XD
So technically I dont know if Ive put on weight.
But I do know I cannot fit into my clothes.
Hence, I must lose...something! Inches. if not kgs. -__-

I sound like some self-obsessed bimbo freak.
I'm not.
I'm just worried.
And since I'm too far away from everybody to go complain to you all personally, I do it here.

I should seriously consider developing that eating disorder. ><

