Thursday 8 May 2008

Pinkie says Hie. :)

I'm hungry.
Its 2.30 in the morning and I'm hungry.
Why am I hungry at this hour of all things??!

Why am I blogging at this hour of all things?!

Oh, scratch that. I know perfectly well why I'm blogging at this hour.
Its because I have absolutely nothing to do with my already sad, pathetic life.
Not that my life is all that sad and pathetic.
Actually, its a rather nice life.

No, its not.
I mean it is, but I'm not satisified with it.
I like it and all that, and I wouldn't want to exchange places with anyone in the world.
Oh, scratch that too.
I would like to exchange places with someone. Quite alot of someones actually.
I cant name them off-hand, but I'm pretty sure I would like to exchange places with someone in the world.
...I think.

Oh God, I'm not making any sense at all, am I?

No, I'm not upset, I'm not disoriented.
Duh. Its two-thirty in the morning.
And no one in their right minds would be online.
No one else is signed in to msn anyway.
Well, except Fiona, but that's because she's...okay, I duno what she's doing online.
And I dont think my brain can cope with any normal conversation at this moment.
I'm having too much fun talking to myself and then typing out my conversation (with my brain) here.
Oh hold on, she said hi.
Well not hi exactly, more like omg wat u doing online.

I'm not known for being online at times like these.
Well, except for last year, on the days before all those drafts and essays and presentations were due.
Do you know your brain works better at 3 oclock in the morning?
Something to do with magnetic fields of the Earth.
Although Ive heard that for Christians, its sposed to be the witching hour or something.
I'm not Christian.
And I doubt anything would want to come haunt me anyway.
I cant faint. I cant scream, I'm not high-pitched enough, I would probably sound more like a buffalo than anything else.
Wait. What sounds do buffalos make anyway?! DO they make sounds?
But yeah, like I was saying, I would probably give the haunting-thingy a earache or something.

I'm bored.
Very very very bored.
I dont know what to do with myself tomorrow.
Esp considering I'm not planning on attending lectures.
I suppose STUDYING should be top priority.
But oh come on, ME, and studying?!
Yeah, rite.
Shyt. I have one month. And more studying to do than I've ever done in my entire life.
But then again all I need to do is PASS.
I dont need an A, or a B. Hell, I dont even need a C! I just need to PASS.
How awesome is that??
But arfgh. I should study. Or I'd die of guilt.
And I'm not used to just passing.
Why am I so kiasu?
I do not understand myself.
For someone who WANTS good grades, why is it that I can never bring myself to study consistently?

Anyway, I'm emoing now.
About...oh god, its a really stupid thing to emo about, and I dont think I want to advertise it here.
But damn, I'm emo.
I'm emo alot lately.
Emo, and depressified.
Or maybe I'm just sleepy.
And hungry.
But my digestive system has shut down...I think.
Its sposed to shut down around 8oclock or something.
Which means if I eat now then my food will not get digested until tomorrow morning.
Which means it will just be sitting in my stomach...oh ew. too much info.


Note to self : In future, for God's sake, fall in love with a person you at least talk to on a daily basis. -__-

Oh well.
Good night everybody.
