Friday 2 May 2008


My life has become somewhat like my blog posts.
Just go with the flow and see where I end up.

I seem...lost.

I dont know where I'm headed.
I dont know what it is I want out of life anymore.

Its all different now.
My life used to be so planned.
All mapped out.
I used to have the whole outline for my future.
All that was left was colouring between the lines.

And now that I'm here, the lines have vanished.
I've nothing to hold on to, and I cannot see what lies ahead. I'm not sure I want to anymore.

It's hard when you reach a certain point in life and you realise that no matter how long you live, you're just never going to figure it all out.
You do all you can, solve all the problems you have, stand up from the previous fall...
and then life throws you another set of problems that hits you out of nowhere and causes you to stumble and fall all over again.
Then again, I guess once you've got it all figured out, there isn't much fun in living anymore.

But I'm tired of falling.
I'm tired of trying to figure it all out.
I'm tired of having to try and cope.
I'm tired of having to be practical and logical and realistic.
For once in life, I want to dream.
I want to dream and wake up one day and realised my dreams have come true.
I want to believe and have faith and hope and someday realise that it was not all in vain.

I'm so confused.
I shall be emo tonight, and go back to being hyper tomorrow.
Bleh. Every once in a while I need to run away and be emo all by myself.

But I've been lost for quite some time now.
Just waiting for the light to come pull me out of the darkness.


(all pics were stolen from flickr)