Friday 16 May 2008

Food For Thought

Stop whatever you're doing now. ( Except reading this post )
Think about all your worries.
Whatever problem is bothering you right now.
I'll give you 1 minute.
Scroll down when you're done.
Now close your eyes,
and think about the earthquake in Sichuan, China that rocked the country on May 12.
20000 confirmed dead.
25000 still buried under the rubble.
The thousands of people struggling for their lives in the hospital.
The thousands of people who lost their relatives and friends.
And the people who lost a part of their lives.
Imagine the situation there.
Mass destruction.
Dead bodies scattered everywhere.
People crying and praying next to the bodies of their loved ones.
Imagine what it would be like if you were right there when the earthquake happened.
What would you do?
Scream for help?
Or just give up and let fate have its way?
What would be on your mind had you been there?
The problems you have right now?
Your loved ones?
The will to live?
Just think about it.
Compared to the destruction and grief of such magnitude,
our problems just seem to insignificant.
Yes, everyone has problems.
Bad grades.
A broken heart.
Imperfect complexion.
Financial crisis.
Everyone loves complaining.
It has become such an important part of our daily lives.
I'm so stupid.
I'm too fat.
I'm ugly.
Nobody loves me.
I'm too short.
Why am I so poor?
He doesn't love me anymore.
Well, I have something to tell you.
At least you're not buried under layers of rubble, waiting for someone to rescue you.
Struggling to survive, clinging to the last shred of hope, however hopeless it may be.
At least you're not in the hospital, with broken bones and lost limbs, with blood trickling from your wounds and scars, unsure of the future, with nothing to do except wonder... maybe being dead isn't so bad after all compared to the pain you're experiencing now.
At least you're not kneeling besides your loved ones' dead bodies, praying for their safe departure to the other world, crying because you'll never see him again, her sweet smile, his infectious laughter, her beautiful eyes; never be able to hold him close, to taste her cooking, to live with him through times of good and bad.
At least you're not dead.
Life is precious.
And nothing could be worse than losing it.
I'm not saying complaining is wrong.
But we should be grateful with what we have.
I guess our lives are too perfect (compared to the ones in China) that we find things to grumble about just to pass our time.
So what if you failed your exams? Study more and try harder next time.
So what if your fat? Exercise or go for liposuction.
So what if your ugly? It's the inside that counts.
So what if your poor? Go out and earn it.
So what if you just broke up? There are other fish in the sea.
Whenever you're feeling down, just think of the millions of people out there who are so much more unlucky than you.
And you'll feel grateful.
To be able to experience the pleasures in life, be it big or small.
Like reading your favourite book.
Playing your favourite game.
Watching your favourite movie.
Hanging out with your friends.
Eating your favourite food.
Or just being with your loved ones.
The simple pleasures in life just seem so insignificant, we tend to overlook them.
Take them for granted.
It's when we lose them that we realise the simplest pleasures in life are the greatest.
After all, big things come in small packages.
So cheer up.
Wipe that frown off your face.
Life is too precious to be wasted on worrying about problems.
Try to look at things from a different perspective.
Think of the glass as half full rather than half empty.
And maybe you can make your life happier.
And much more worth living.
Whether you agree with me or not,
let's just close our eyes,
and say a prayer for the victims of the earthquake.
May the lost ones be found,
And may the dead rest in peace.
I thank you on their behalf. :)

--- JM ---